Costumed thematic tours, visitor centers, storytelling, workshops, educational paths, eco-museums – all that is interpretation of heritage, the way cultural and natural heritage is “translated” into a language understandable to visitors but also to the local population of all generations (especially children and young people). Promo&Press was founded with the aim of providing quality and more meaningful promotion of Croatian interpreted heritage, and the wish to spread valuable heritage stories far and wide.
Bakar – An Extraordinary Secret of Kvarner
Bakar – An Extraordinary Secret of Kvarner Located in the immediate vicinity of Rijeka, Bakar is a well kept secret of Kvarner, long hidden in the smoke of the industry. The town, with its rich and turbulent past, was completely…
The Batana Eco-museum – Preservation of Intangible Heritage listed in the UNESCO Register
“Bòne da bàti màr!” is a saying in Rovinj dialect that means “Good enough to defeat the sea!” and describes boats that can face the challenges of the open sea. Rovinj’s batana is just such a traditional fishing boat, small…
Contessa Barica, or what was life like in Zagreb 300 years ago
Interactive and educational revival of the past of Zagreb’s Upper Town through a creative workshop and a short stroll through its streets. What was life like in Zagreb three hundred years ago without refrigerators, TVs and cars? Children and their…